Data Release

Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2022 From Boca Chica Key, Florida

By Arnell S. Forde, Emily A. Wei, and Chelsea A. Stalk

U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, Florida


As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux and Defense Advanced Research Protection Agency (DARPA) Reefense projects, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) conducted a nearshore geophysical survey to map the shoreface and inner shelf, as well as characterizing stratigraphy near Boca Chica Key, Florida (FL) in November 2022. The purpose of this study was to conduct a geologic assessment (including bathymetric mapping) of the nearshore ledge off Boca Chica Key, FL, in support of efforts to construct an artificial coral reef offshore of Naval Air Station Key West. Collecting geophysical data can help researchers to identify relationships between the geologic history of the island, its present-day morphology, and sediment distribution.

This data release serves as an archive of subbottom profile and navigation data collected November 8–13, 2022, offshore of Boca Chica Key, FL, during USGS Field Activity Number 2022-334-FA. Data products, including chirp subbottom profile data and images, survey trackline maps, location data with formal Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata, and field logs are provided. Coastal bathymetry and imagery data were also collected during this geophysical survey and are provided in another data release (Stalk and others, 2023).

Stalk, C.A., Wei, E.A., Farmer, A.S., Hatcher, G.A., and Kranenburg, C.J., 2023, High-resolution geophysical and imagery data collected in November 2022 offshore of Boca Chica Key, FL: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


File Name and Description Metadata (XML format) Metadata (text format) Download File
Digital chirp subbottom trace data (.sgy)
2022-334-FA_metadata.xml 2022-334-FA_metadata.txt
(2.01 GB)
Navigation data for the entire survey, 1000-shot-interval locations, and start of line locations (.csv)
Same as above Same as above
(929 KB)
Processed subbottom profile images (.gif)
Same as above Same as above
(32.5 MB)
Subbottom profile data location maps, geospatial files, and images (.mxd, .kmz, .shp, .gif)
(33.5 MB)
Supplemental information
Field Activity Collection System (FACS) logs, acquisition geometry, and geophysical operations log (.docx, .tif, .xlsx)
Not applicable Not applicable
(132 KB)

Satellite map shows a section of the Florida Keys surrounded by water, with yellow tracklines showing the study area. In the upper left an inset box shows the larger area with the study area shown in a red box.
Figure 1. Regional map showing the November 2022 Boca Chica Key, Florida study area (indicated by red box) and geophysical trackline locations (yellow lines). Basemap imagery provided by Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community.

Suggested Citation

Forde, A.S., Wei, E.A., and Stalk, C.A., 2023, Archive of chirp subbottom profile data collected in 2022 from Boca Chica Key, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey data release,