In accordance with SO #3423 - The Gulf of America and SO #3424 - Mount McKinley and Landmarks Honoring the Alaskan People, new USGS data releases specific to those named places will utilize the new name Gulf of America and the restored name Mount McKinley. Per USGS practice, historical data will retain the name of the geographic features as they were known at the time the data were originally released.

Data Release

Storm-Induced Overwash Extent

By Kara S. Doran,1 Justin J. Birchler,1 and Kirsten J. Bendik2

1 U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, Florida
2 Formerly U.S. Geological Survey


The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation’s coastlines. This data release defines the alongshore extent of overwash deposits, determined from aerial photograph analysis, attributed to coastal processes during storm events.

Note: This data release was versioned on June 11, 2024. Please see the Suggested Citation section for details.


File Name and Description Metadata (XML format) Metadata (text format) Download File
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States from Florida to North Carolina and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Matthew, which made landfall in the U.S. on October 08, 2016 (.shp, .kmz)
Matthew_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Matthew_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(50 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Irma, which made landfall in the U.S. on September 9, 2017 (.shp, .kmz)
Irma_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Irma_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(17 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States from North Carolina to Virginia and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Florence, which made landfall in the U.S. on September 14, 2018 (.shp, .kmz)
Florence_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Florence_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(72 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Michael, which made landfall in the U.S. on October 10, 2018 (.shp, .kmz)
Michael_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Michael_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(76 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Laura, which made landfall in the U.S. on August 27, 2020 (.shp, .kmz)
Laura_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Laura_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(24 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Sally, which made landfall in the U.S. on September 16, 2020 (.shp, .kmz)
Sally_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Sally_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(22 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Delta, which made landfall in the U.S. on October 9, 2020 (.shp, .kmz)
Delta_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Delta_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(44 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in Florida and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Laura, which made landfall in the U.S. on October 28, 2020 (.shp, .kmz)
Zeta_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Zeta_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(35 KB)
Extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States in North Carolina and South Carolina and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Isaias, which made landfall in the U.S. on August 4, 2020 (.shp, .kmz)
Isaias_Overwash_Extent_metadata.xml Isaias_Overwash_Extent_metadata.txt
(32 KB)

Labeled graphic location map with light grey land and medium grey water. Two pink boxes show the areas where data were collected.
Figure 1. Location map showing the areas where overwash extent data were collected for Hurricanes Matthew, Irma, Florence, Michael, Laura, Sally, Delta, Zeta, and Isaias in the southeastern coasts of the United States.

Suggested Citation

Doran, K.S., Birchler, J.J., and Bendik, K.J., 2019, Storm-induced overwash extent (ver. 3.0, June 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release,

First posted August 13, 2019
Revised September 16, 2021
Revised June 11, 2024

Version History 3.0