Data Release
Dauphin Island Decadal Forecast Evolution Model Inputs and Results
By Rangley C. Mickey,1 Robert L. Jenkins III,1 P. Soupy Dalyander,2 David M. Thompson,1 Nathaniel G. Plant,1 and Joseph W. Long3
1U.S. Geological Survey
2The Water Institute of the Gulf
3University of North Carolina at Wilmington
The model input and output of topography and bathymetry values resulting from forecast simulations of coupled modeling scenarios occurring between 2015 and 2025 at Dauphin Island, Alabama, and described in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Open-File Report 2020–1001 (, are provided here. For further information regarding model input generation and visualization of model output topography and bathymetry, refer to Mickey and others (2020).
For more information visit: Mickey, R.C., Godsey, E., Dalyander, P.S., Gonzalez, V., Jenkins, R.L., III, Long, J.W., Thompson, D.M., and Plant, N.G., 2020, Application of decadal modeling approach to forecast barrier island evolution, Dauphin Island, Alabama: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1001, 45 p.,
File Name and Description | Metadata (XML format) | Metadata (text format) | Download File |
---|---|---|---| NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the initial bathymetry/topography (z) model grid; the initial bathymetry/topography model grid for each restoration alternative (zR2-zR7) |
Initial_DEM_metadata.xml | Initial_DEM_metadata.txt | (100.7 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST1_SL#_R0) model grid for each sea level rise scenario (SL1-SL3) |
ST1_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | ST1_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (36.8 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL#_R0) model grid for each sea level rise scenario (SL1-SL3) |
ST2_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | ST2_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (36.8 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST3_SL#_R0) model grid for each sea level rise scenario (SL1-SL3) |
ST3_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | ST3_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (36.8 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST4_SL#_R0) model grid for each sea level rise scenario (SL1-SL3) |
ST4_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | ST4_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (45.1 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R2 and zend_ST3_SL3_R2) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 2 |
R2_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R2_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (25.3 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R3 and zend_ST3_SL3_R3) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 3 |
R3_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R3_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (24 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R4 and zend_ST3_SL3_R4) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 4 |
R4_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R4_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (25.3 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R5 and zend_ST2_SL2_R5) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 5 |
R5_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R5_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (24 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R6 and zend_ST3_SL3_R6) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 6 |
R6_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R6_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (24 MB) | NetCDF file containing the following variables: coordinates of the model grid (Easting and Northing); the final bathymetry/topography (zend_ST2_SL1_R7 and zend_ST3_SL3_R7) model grid for both scenarios (ST2_SL1 and ST3_SL3) simulated on restoration alternative 7 |
R7_Final_DEM_metadata.xml | R7_Final_DEM_metadata.txt | (24 MB) |
Suggested Citation
Mickey, R.C., Jenkins, R.L., Dalyander, P.S., Thompson, D.M., Plant, N.G., and Long, J.W., 2020, Dauphin Island decadal forecast evolution model inputs and results: U.S. Geological Survey data release,